This thread follows the experiences of Nick, a faggot who got the attention of his straight neighbor while listening to the Hierarchy Podcast, and his Alpha father Tom who is guiding his development as a faggot. CLICK HERE for all of the posts in this thread in chronological order!

Almost a year to the day ago I published an extraordinary story about a faggot named Nick I had been covering sitting down and talking with his Alpha father Tom about his faghood. You can read that original post by CLICKING HERE.

Nick is a brave faggot. Prior to this, as you might remember, he stood up to a confrontational neighbor who heard him listening to the Hierarchy Podcast, and even began serving that neighbor. But even that level of bravery is different than talking to one’s Alpha father about being a faggot.

As that linked article showed, not only did Nick’s Alpha father Tom understand Nick’s faghood, he’d always known that his son was a faggot. And then he imparted wonderful encouragement to Nick so that he could become the true faggot he was born to be. I don’t know if I’ve ever published anything quite as moving as that post.

But, like many people I cover, Nick disappeared over the last year and we lost touch.

However, Nick recently reached out to me again to give me some substantive updates on his personal situation, as well as his father Alpha Tom.

I deleted my old kik account when I left a master who was training me that was bad for me. I thought I needed some distance from things for a while. He wanted to stretch my pussy beyond repair, but not commit to owning me, and it got awkward. I didn’t want to go to such an extreme for someone who wasn’t that interested anyway.

A wise choice! But then Nick mentioned Alpha Tom.

But, I reached a new level of transparency with my dad. It got real honest lately. And I’ve made some decisions for myself, and I thought I’d share with you, I feel like I want to talk to someone about it all.

So, first, my dad has prostate cancer and it’s not looking great. So I’ve been making more of an effort to see him and get one on one time in. We kind of skirted around the subject of my faggotry the first couple of meetings, but today I met with him for breakfast and it all spilled out in the car. I don’t know if it’s because he’s sick or what, but we talked for a long time.

He basically flat out asked me if I’ve been true to myself and been fulfilling my role in service. It took me by surprise.

I didn’t answer right away when he grabbed my arm and told me “boy, when I ask you a question you answer it.”

So I told him I haven’t really, that I had a failed relationship with someone. And he was disappointed.

And he asked me, “boy, how long have you been at this? How are you fulfilling your life? I want you in line before I’m gone” and I started crying and told him absolutely everything. I told him my history, From my first time at 13, to my experiences away at college and as I cried he comforted me, it felt good to let it all out.

But he told me some things he wants from me and goals for me, and one of them is to be more active in a faggot/alpha community.

My dad is amazing. I have always admired him but this is a whole new level.

I have agreed to give my dear brother Nick an opportunity on this site to detail some of what he told his Alpha father, and hopefully we will get some of his feedback as well.

Also, I’m going to have Nick on an upcoming episode of the podcast. It seems fitting in a way, given that we came to know each other by him playing the “Breeding” episode of the podcast a little too loud.

I’m sad to hear that a beacon of just and noble Hierarchy like Alpha Tom might leave us too soon. But what he gave his beloved son is a gift of incomparable value. He has essentially given his son life twice.

He gave Nick life, and then gave Nick permission to live it.

So keep your eyes open for updates on this returning story!
