I get so tired of hearing straight guys insist that straight Men don’t use faggots. As they repeatedly tell me, the use of faggots by definition means they are not straight.
Well let me tell you, if that’s the case then there are far fewer straight Men then we imagined.
Most of the Alphas I’ve served in my life either casually or as an owned faggot were straight Men. I never questioned their desire to use me despite being resolutely heterosexual. The only time it became an issue is when I would struggle to contain my jealousy over their relationships with women. And in those moments when my Alphas were forced by me to choose, they always chose their females over me … because ultimately they were straight.
Then I started the FWA site and the Hierarchy Podcast, and I began chronicling many true stories of straight Alphas who use faggots sexually. In fact, the original name for FWA was Fags Worship STRAIGHTS because that was what I knew in my service career. And with every story I covered, the compiling evidence proved my own experience wasn’t an outlier. Straight Alphas DO use faggots sexually.
But don’t take my word for it. Listen instead to these clinical psychiatrists and therapists who have studied and treated many cases of straight Men who use gay males sexually. Not only that, but they have clinical reasons WHY straight Men use gay males sexually.
Here are their professional opinions:
So what should we think about this? Can this circle be squared?
Of course! It’s honestly very simple: straight Alphas use faggots because they love POWER. They love WORSHIP. They love SERVICE.
As the doctors above attest, Male sexuality is more fluid and situational than most of us are willing to admit in public. In my experience, Men will do all sorts of taboo things when they know they’re safe. And Men compartmentalize their sexuality so completely that understanding the complexity of it is like getting lost in a labyrinth.
So I will never agree that straight Alphas don’t use faggots. THEY DO. In fact, I think an increasing number of them are turning to faggot ownership and service. So the time has come to put this issue to bed. It’s proven.