This video by @tayloricci on TikTok (an account I heartily endorse) perfectly (and wordlessly) disproves the modern Western notion that females are equal to Men.

They are NOT EVEN CLOSE. Men designed and built everything in our world; every bridge, every skyscraper, every mode of transport, every computer, and every other feat of human ingenuity. Men created almost all of the art and created the tools that made the art. Virtually all scientific discoveries were accomplished by Men.

All of the Kingdoms ever established have, with a couple of exceptions, been ruled by Men. Every war has been fought and won/lost by Men.

Brave, strong, visionary, indefatigable Men. The rightful Kings of our world.

We need to go no father than to the Bible. At Hebrews 2:7 it says:

“You made him (Man) a little lower than angels; you crowned him with glory and honor, and appointed him over the works of your hands.”

We know this is referring to Man and not women because we read this at Genesis 1:26 –

Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth.”

MAN was created in God’s image, not women.

So all of this proves beyond any reasonable doubt that women are inferior to Men. They are to be subject to and obedient to Men, who are their leaders.

This fact that women are trying to subvert the natural order must be summarily rejected by Men, not encouraged or capitulated to. Beta males who suck up to females and try to be an “ally” to such unnatural horseshit need to be reeducated the hard way.

Anyway, I mentioned a video a long time ago. Here it is:

(And yes, I realize the irony of supplying 1000 words about something this video required zero words to accomplish. Just let me express myself, okay?)
