Hi Sam,

I’ve recently come to terms with being gay after years of suppressing it. I have more questions now than I did before I accepted it though haha.

I wondered if these are signs of being a faggot 

1. feeling shy and intimidated, but also kind of trying to impress alpha men when they’re around. I’ve always thought these kind of men could like “tell” I wasn’t one of them.

2. Being insanely jealous of the women who are dating alpha men, to the point that i want to be friends with the girls just to hear about their man.

thank you!

Hi, thanks for writing! 

Yes, those are certainly possible signs of being a faggot. The first one could also apply to beta males, but the second one certainly seems like the machinations of a faggot.

I have written a book to help people figure out whether or not they’re a faggot. It’s called “Are You A Faggot?”, and it’s available right now right here: https://fagsworshipalphas.gumroad.com/l/VmrBwe

Hope that helps! 


sam the faggot

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