Hi Sam! I wanted to ask a question about race play when it comes to faggots and alphas, and how you feel about it. I’m an asian faggot and I just recently came in contact with a white alpha that likes to use raceplay to enforce the hierarchy between us, talking about how he’s superior because of it and uses it to emasculate me. He does it in a way that’s not truly racist but just in a way that ramifies the status difference between us. However I wanted to get your perspective on this and your opinion on raceplay, as well as if there’s any examples you’ve heard of? Thanks Sam, keep up the good work!

Unfortunately race play is part of Hierarchy. I say “unfortunately” despite the fact that I was forced to participate in race play by a couple of black Alphas who demanded that I call them “nigger” while they used me … and I found it hot. 

I can’t stand racism, and on an intellectual level I’m disgusted to see racism and race play in the Hierarchical scene. Racism doesn’t accurately reflect the power dynamic going on in actual Hierarchy. 

That said, race play can be quite hot. However, I also think it’s just another sad commentary on our fallen nature in general.

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