Questions From Readers
Hi Sam, so I have a question for you basically what do I do?
I used to work with this guy several years ago, even back then he was pretty buff and really good looking even then (he’s gotten even better since) and we ended up going our separate ways professionally but a couple years ago he added me on as a friend on FB. He has chatted me up a coupe time, in a very “how’s life, how’s work,” kind of way. He was also always pretty religious, or at least I got that impression.
We hadn’t chatted in probably 6 months then a week ago he hit me up in the middle of the day on a work day talking about how he was going to miss summer and how he got these European swim suits on a whim when he was feeling brave, and how he’d probably look ridiculous in them. Because he’s a former coworker I’ve always kinda kept the conversation on that level, but that day because it all seemed playful and such I was like “oh I’m sure it’s not that bad, or I’m sure you’ll look great etc.” Long story short he ends up sending me several pictures modeling these swimsuits that basically show his whole ass and leaves very little to the imagination for his package and he is really amazing I have to say.
Anyway I don’t know if he knew I’m gay or not before, but he does now because I got a little excited and when he said some more self deprecating stuff I said something along the lines of “well you just made me pre, so I’m sure you’ll have that effect on others.” (he laugh reacted to that statement) and the conversation kind of tapered off after that. I apologized for sharing too much information to him and the conversation ended with him saying “you’re fine” to the apology.
So I guess my question(s) are these: does he sound like a possible alpha maybe chumming the water? And if so what if anything should I do next? Or should I just wait?
That was like a week ago and we haven’t talked since and I don’t want to do the wrong thing if this was all weirdly innocent. Thank you for the help Sam.
Thanks for the question, brother!
First of all, even if you hadn’t revealed your true nature to him with your little “joke”, I believe he already knew you were gay (although he may not know/understand about faggots). Why do I think that? Because what he’s doing with you I doubt he’s doing with other Alpha friends.
I tend to agree with your idea that he’s “chumming the water” (very nice turn of phrase!), and I’m sure he liked the idea that he turned you on. Most straight Men and Alphas like to be attractive to others and like to hear how their sex appeal turns others on, even faggots that they don’t have an interest in.
Here’s my question: is there a way for you to actually serve this Alpha? He’s moved away, so how would that even work even if he was interested in using you?
The other thing I’m wondering about is how the conversation tapered off after the comment. He may have liked it, but his religious beliefs could make him feel guilty or dirty.
I don’t really know if this is worth pursuing, honestly, but if you wanted to try you could simply start up a conversation with him and steer it toward Hierarchy. Ask him if he considers himself to be Alpha and see how he reacts.
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